New Features
- Sessions start, run and especially finish much faster on older devices and on sessions with hundreds of targets
- Improved user experience when collecting data. Prompt levels now always open next to the target and not based on where you tap. Makes it easier to collect data without looking at the screen and ensures that prompt levels doesn’t cover the target label.
- Files section is now easier to navigate with current folder path shown in the breadcrumbs
- Maintenance targets now show up all day if multiple sessions are run on the same day
- Task Analysis programs no longer let’s you set a maintenance interval on targets when editing targets as the interval does not have any effect anyway
- Behind-the-scenes updates to Lumary and TherapyPMS integrations
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Multiple selections was missing a space after the comma when generating session notes from a template
- Duration is now updated in session notes if start- or finish time is changed while generating a session note from a template
- Fixed: Behavior Analysts, Behavior Technicians and Parents showed up as ? in graphs when grouping by user.
- Parents could change target statuses on the Balance program. This is no longer allowed.