Treatment Planning
We're built to support clinicians at every stage of treatment

It starts with a (treatment) plan
Treatment plan and report templates on Hi Rasmus alleviate redundant manual processes for case supervisors and help them quickly and efficiently get to the heart of the process: communicating progress and specific, individualized treatment recommendations for each learner.
Crafting a treatment plan is as simple as point, click, and type. Easily update information found in informational narratives and tables or a learner’s progress on individual goals. You can even adjust specific graph settings in-report.
With use of a template, completed client and program data fields can automatically pull into a report, along with program graphs, targets, and additional target-specific information.
Ease of Use
Once a template has been created, it can be made available for use across your organization. With a simple click, providers can apply these templates to their learner's profiles, setting them up for successful report writing with an automatic framework and embedded inclusion of graphs along with relevant client, program, and organization-specific information.
Report signatures
Reports can include signatures from providers, parents, and other users as needed.
Beautiful formatting and customization
We appreciate a clean, modern look, and our reports are no exception. Customize reports by embedding logos, adding pictures, including footers, and more!