New Features
- Sufficient Exemplar Training programs launched in beta
- Prompt-level fading +/- option. You can now set prompt level templates up to just require a simple +/- response from the therapist and thereby simplify data collection and prompt-fading.
- Add headers and footers to reports and report templates with options to add page numbers and other dynamic fields
- New formatting options for progress reports and session notes: left-, center- and right-align text
- Option to hide individual programs in a progress report even if they match filters
- New option to add titles to graphs (under graph Settings). This is also available to set globally on report templates to ensure that graph titles are present on the same page as the graph when exporting to PDF.
- New option to list targets matching certain criteria in program headers / footers in progress report templates (via custom fields)
- New dynamic Program field on progress reports: Program enumeration.
- Customize columns on the Programs page to also show treatment area of each program
- Improved navigation on Targets page when more than 100 targets are present in a program
- New column option on Activities page: Client Reference allows easier auditing processes
- [Admin] Filter to list of staff members under Clients -> Staff Members for easier management of staff competency licenses
- [Lumary integration] Supervision sessions scheduled in Lumary are now also shown on Hi Rasmus
Bug Fixes
- It is no longer possible to move library folders to the Templates system folder which could lead to unintentional consequences.