Session Supervision
Built-in clinical processes support quality, efficient supervision

Harnessing Behavior Skills Training
Include clear instructions for staff using text, tables, and any additional pictures or documents that may support your staff in understanding the instructions. Support parents and techs and promote a personal connection among your team by adding video explainers as well.
Embed multiple video models along with your instructions to clarify expected actions in a variety of settings and scenarios.
In the same room or from another country, supervisors can watch staff’s data collection in real time. Live telehealth capabilities make supervision from a distance a breeze. Schedules not aligning? Staff can also record themselves demonstrating target skills and programming for supervisors to supervise asynchronously.
In addition to live feedback in person and via telehealth, supervisors can take advantage of built in commenting, per-program supervision notes, and asynchronous data collection to provide pointed feedback.
Program Modifications
Editing a program? Modifying a procedure? We've made documenting these changes a breeze, reflecting both on your client's timeline and on program graphs, if desired.
These can be viewed by all members of a learner's team in convenient ways to help them focus on using the most current, agile programming with their learner.
Asynchronous Supervision
Supervisors can asynchronously view and record data on videos added by other users, such as parents or direct staff.
After scoring is complete, users can click on any trial to be brought directly to that corresponding point within the video. Time-stamped feedback in the form of comments will go directly to those involved.
Supervise Mode
No need to hover over your RBT's shoulder! For any session actively in process, supervisors can watch the data collection progress in real time from near or far. In Supervise mode, users can take it a step further by taking program-by-program notes on observations, recommendations, and more. These notes can pull into a synthesized session note reflecting protocol modifications for each program.